題目: [表面科學論壇(154)] Novel electronic states in two-dimensional bismuth materials
時間: 2023年12月21日 10:00
地點: [表面科學論壇(154)] Novel electronic states in two-dimensional bismuth materials
報告人: 茍健 研究員



Bismuth (Bi) is known for its unique electronic properties, owing to its distinctive position in the periodic table of elements. In this talk, I will discuss three types of two-dimensional (2D) Bi materials studied through molecular beam epitaxial (MBE) and low-temperature scanning probe microscopy (STM/qPlus-AFM). Firstly, we found, due to the large spin-orbital coupling (Soc) and close electronegativity between Bi and Sn, the introduction of Sn in Sn2Bi produce a giant Rashba splitting and asymmetric electron-hole band structure at the Fermi surface[1]. Secondly, the anisotropic structure of black phosphorous-like Bi (BP-Bi) monolayer enables the creation of a single-layer honeycomb Bi (bismuthene) with various twist moir superlattices, in which the modulation of topological edge states has been observed[2]. finally, take the advantage of high resolution of qPlus-AFM measurement, we discovered that weak sp orbital hybridization of Bi facilitates electron transfer between sublattices and in-plane polarization switching in elementary BP-Bi monolayer[3]. This observation confirms the emergence of novel single-element ferroelectric states in the realm of solid-state physics.

[1] J. Gou et al. Physical Review Letters 121, 126801 (2018)

[2] J. Gou et al. Science Advances 6, eaba2773 (2020)

[3] J. Gou et al. Nature 617, 67-72(2023)


茍健,研究員,博士生導師。2018年畢業于中國科學院物理研究所,獲博士學位,隨后進入新加坡國立大學物理系從事博士后研究工作。2023年加入浙江大學物理學院。研究領域有表面及低維物理、二維拓撲材料、二維鐵電鐵磁、超高真空低溫掃描探針技術(STM/qPlus-AFM)、分子束外延生長(MBE)。已發表30余篇SCI文章,相關工作以第一/通訊作者發表在Nature、Physical Review Letters、Science Advances、Advanced Materials、National Science Review、ACS Nano等期刊。

邀請人:馮寶杰 副研究員

聯系人:張堅地 研究員